How-To Guide: Avoiding Common Real Estate Blogging Mistakes

Real estate blogging is like every other type of blogging and so therefore; the same sets of rules apply to it. This basic frame work is as follows:

  • Create engaging content that your audience wants to read about
  • Promote this content until begin to generate substantial leads
  • Engage with these leads until they eventually turn into sales.

That’s how content marketing works – more specifically, that’s how <real estate content marketing> works. But where most agents fumble things up is the very beginning; the content creation stage. This article explores several blogging mistakes rookie (and some experienced) agents make and how to avoid them.

Being Too Formal

Many real estate agents make this mistake when they’re just starting out. The anxiety of writing content that might be read by thousands of people often make them treat each article like a college term paper or news article.

  • How to Avoid: Blogging is informal. It’s like talking to a friend or colleague (or colleagues). Let your real voice and personality reflect in your writing and you’ll be surprised how easy it will be to connect with your readers.

General or Broad Topics

The problem with generalized, broad and open-ended topics are too large and have too many details for a blog post. Real estate articles that run into thousands of words will be good for SEO but will suffer readability. When you’re writing for online readers; keep in mind that they have a short attention span and as a result, consider brevity.

  • How to Avoid: Write on specific topics that will give your readers information they can quickly read, understand and either share or contact you to find out more.

Bad Grammar and Spelling

Most agents make the mistake of thinking their first draft is the best and publish before proof reading and editing it. What they don’t realize is that majority of articles published like this contain numerous spelling and grammatical mistakes and this will eventually hurt your brand in the long because it shows your audience that you don’t pay attention to details.

  • How to Avoid: Don’t publish your article until you proof read it twice, ran it through a spell and grammar check (eg Grammarly).

Inconsistent Blogging

We know how busy real estate agents can be, that’s why we help them create content that reflects their brand and helps them generate leads. But because you didn’t <outsource your content marketing> doesn’t mean you have to let your SEO and audience engagement suffer.

Lack of consistent blogging makes readers uninterested to visit your website and search engines pick up on this inactivity as well.

  • How to Avoid: The only way to avoid this mistake is to be self-motivated. Use a content calendar to schedule post topics and set deadlines ahead of time. Then set aside a substantial amount of time every week to write, edit and upload your blog topics into your content calendar. But for this to work; you have to be self motivated.

Pro Tip: Add relevant Calls to action on your blog posts. That is the way you generate leads because no matter how awesome your content is; if you neglect to add a CTA, readers will just move on.

What other mistakes have you noticed other real estate bloggers make? Share them with us and what you think should be the solution. We’d love to hear from you.